Monday, April 12, 2010

L is for.....

I know its been a while since i've graced you with my talents so for all you loyal followers out there it's good to know your still there. Lately i have been quite busy with my work, shooting pictures, making dreams, you know the usual routine. It's hard to keep up with the talents that arise at my school in my photography class each day..those lightweights will remain anonymous...kerrie....BUT i have managed to succeed. I recently started my senior project which if i do say so myself is going very welll. Im pretty surprised considering i didn't know if i was going to make it. Just kidding we all knew i would. I've also dealt with some life changes and traumatic news. Its happening...Im moving. Yes, you guessed it the west coast of colorado. JUST KIDDING. I would be a horrible person to do that..(you know who  you are) Anyways no hard feelings, still no christmas gifts for you. I would like to take the time to share with you some wise words from my fellow colleague and some work of a new up and coming artist in the boston area.

Shoot what you can, and when you can't shoot anymore....give up because guess were never AP.