Monday, April 12, 2010

L is for.....

I know its been a while since i've graced you with my talents so for all you loyal followers out there it's good to know your still there. Lately i have been quite busy with my work, shooting pictures, making dreams, you know the usual routine. It's hard to keep up with the talents that arise at my school in my photography class each day..those lightweights will remain anonymous...kerrie....BUT i have managed to succeed. I recently started my senior project which if i do say so myself is going very welll. Im pretty surprised considering i didn't know if i was going to make it. Just kidding we all knew i would. I've also dealt with some life changes and traumatic news. Its happening...Im moving. Yes, you guessed it the west coast of colorado. JUST KIDDING. I would be a horrible person to do that..(you know who  you are) Anyways no hard feelings, still no christmas gifts for you. I would like to take the time to share with you some wise words from my fellow colleague and some work of a new up and coming artist in the boston area.

Shoot what you can, and when you can't shoot anymore....give up because guess were never AP.

Monday, March 22, 2010

In The Endless Fight of Grace and Pride

My next project will be one on silhouettes. I have never tried this type of art before so it is going to be just a bit of experimentation until I nail it. I will also ask my photography teacher as well, when we return from break. She's not too bad with a camera, then again she is not in the AP class. This break has been tranquil and I haven't felt at peace in ages. Even though I have tons of work to do, I do not feel overwhelmed. My mind wants to do homework every second so that I can get ahead but my heart just wants to have fun. Its a fight between my heart and mind, no one really wins this time.

You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know."
~Oscar Wilde, 
The Picture of Dorian Gray

 I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands and doesn't try to sleep with people even if they could have. I need to know that these people exist. ~Stephen Chbosky, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Don't ever tell anybody anything.  If you do, you start missing everybody.  ~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher In The Rye

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Lights and Buzz

Today is a day that I don't feel like talking or thinking at all. Here are lyrics to a song then, so this page won't feel half as empty as me. I also submitted these pictures for my school magazine, The Maze.

I'm coming home from my hardest year
I'm making plans not to make plans while I'm here
And this life has been no holiday, a complicated situation
I'm fine with all my memories
Still I could use vacation 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Think I'm Safer If I Run Through The Streets

After a gruesome battle with photoshop, I emerged victorious. It might look familiar to my real fans since it was inspired by a few pictures I posted. I made it after scanning Holga negatives and cleaning it up because dust was on it. Then I added a color layer on each image and combined them. I know you guys want more but there's only so much art I can provide for you guys. Keep your chins up.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Every Drop Numbs The Both Of Us, But I Alone Am Staggering

Crossed one more thing off my bucket list. Had a bad night as well but could have been worse. I also finally finished planning for the senior project as well. I'm going to the doctors soon for health reasons so hopefully she can give me a sleeping pill/painkiller combo. Besides that, its just another average day in my life so to give back the minute I stole from your busy life, here's pictures I like.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rain Rain Rain On My Mind I've Got A Secret Life

I am taking a creative writing class to hopefully stabilize my writer's block. The first exercise was to write six sentences about objects and stop after two minutes of writing. My friend thinks I have a gift with prose but I think its garbage. Enjoy reading my eloquent slop. And the nice picture of the guy and his umbrella. Hopefully it will rain today....

Its viridian shell hides her shallow self. The thick ridges on its back gives off the feeling of pride, yet it is used in many shameful ways. So many are lost,but this one will remained fixed as long as the sun stays out.
Olfactory pleasing but physically unappealing, this crescent shaped behemoth breathes. Flying through the air while chasing its death, it soothes me. As long as distance is maintained, life is unchanged.
Obsidian and obscene, this object cannot project what I am conspiring about. Its lifeline is disconnected but not for long. Two semicircles will soon pulsate until the lights dim, and then will I really be awake.
Read while red, the cushion is stained by the tears. Almost like play-dough but rougher than a rock it shimmers under the fake fluorescent sun.
A mosaic of pebbles, intelligently designed by nature. The remains of a cataclysmic event involving the fateful meeting of its parents. So short the life of man.
A cylinder containing  nothing but dust. There is a cursed air around it but its color says otherwise. A plethora of thorns decorate its roof. The stellar ceiling reflects off the cellar door.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I Knew The Years Would Move Quickly, But Never Quite As Fast As This

After receiving a couple of complaints, I have finally uploaded who the mysterious members of my family are. They are *drumroll* Sandra, (my mom) Zuleny, (my older sister in the navy top) Emily, (younger sister in the red dress) and Brenly (my younger brother). Hopefully these pictures capture their essence because if it was up to my sisters, they would not be able to choose. For those wondering, my dad lives in the Dominican Republic and I only have ancient pictures of him.