Saturday, February 27, 2010

Build God, Then We'll Talk: Robert Voit's Wonderful Caricature Of Intimacy

The ridiculousness of people never seems to astound me. Robert Voit, a German Photographer, documents cell tower trees. He does it in a way that makes a parody of it; cell tower trees are when the towers are dressed up to look like trees, so they blend in better with the surrounding environment. Or at least that's the intention. While few do a decent job at disguising them so they blend with the environment, most have been transformed into caricatures of the natural world. Voit photographs these said objects in a satirical form, which I enjoyed. These "Frankenpines" illustrate how insane the ideals of those with power in society are. Being raised catholic, these acts illustrate how man is trying to impersonate God. Even though I do not consider myself religious anymore, masquerading synthetic objects into that which is natural is manic to me. Even before I looked into his work, I despised the idea of having an artificial Christmas tree. There is also that factor of feeling guilty for destroying the beauty of nature, but then again we aren't really willing to do much about it. It is pointless trying to camouflage a cell tower when its existence is a necessary evil of modern life. Also, big ups for him including the nice sky candy for me to see.


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